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Special Thanks

All the PledgeMe backers of the first edition, in particular those who chose to honour their beloved family members (and dog) by getting them in the game. Many of these people are pictured in the graphic below.

All the play-testers especially Katherine Boag, Nathan Grange, Chris Guthrey, Allan Milton, Martin Wallace and Nicolas Zawadzki

The TradeMe auction winners: Mari Shackleton and Jeremy Yeo

Not forgetting those who helped out in and on the PledgeMe video:
Terry Holloway & Sue Hawkins; Hazel Purdie; Shayne Neville; John Kershaw; Chris, Alex and Ashleigh Guthrey; Nicolas Zawadzki;  Nathan Grange; and Katherine Boag

Granny Wars Thanks: Welcome
2021-09-21 11_38_37-Thank Yous and Credits - Granny WarsGranny Wars.png

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